Our 2016 shirts are available now!

pcon2016_shirt_mockupWe’re very pleased to announce that our 2016 shirts are now available for purchase through OffWorld Designs!

Tiffany Williwalker created the front art – a virtual penguin artificial intelligence, scanning the news about Penguicon. A similar graphic will be on the cover of our souvenir book.  The back art was assembled by Scott Kennedy, using Tiffany’s work as inspiration.

PLEASE PRE-ORDER YOUR SHIRT.  OffWorld brings a limited set of sizes to the convention.  If you order before the convention, they will have your shirt available for you at the OffWorld booth.

If you wait, you’ll have to hope they have your size in stock!

Pre-orders will close in mid-April.

If you’d prefer to order one of our perennial Penguicon shirts, check out our Art and Apparel!