Con or Bust!

2b-Green-dino-only-smaller-whiteIf you are a fan of color and you’re interested in coming to Penguicon, please feel free to check out Con or Bust.

Con or Bust is a not-for-profit organization whose mission is to “increase racial and ethnic diversity in the production of and audience for speculative fiction.”

img_7082“Con or Bust isn’t a scholarship and isn’t limited by geography, type of con-goer, or con; its goal is simply to help fans of color go to SFF cons and be their own awesome selves.

“It is funded through donations and an online auction held annually. One hundred percent of all donations to Con or Bust are provided directly to fans of color to help then go to SFF cons; all administrative expenses are donated by Kate Nepveu or the Carl Brandon Society, and everyone working on Con or Bust volunteers their time.”

We are pleased to donate three memberships for 2016.